Friday, January 16, 2009

Becoming "Girl Friday"

Today was day 15 of my new job. I'm still learning new stuff, I'm pretty sure until I have been there a few months I will be learning new things. There's just so much, but so far I am enjoying it! As for the title of my blog, I am definitely becoming "Girl Friday". Three days into the job, Bethe who place I took informed me that after she had taught me everything I would indeed be Girl Friday. So far I believe it she knows how to do everything there is to do in our office and hopefully I will someday too. Please note she still works there, she just transferred to a different job in the same office.
Moving on, I got a new car!!! I don't have any pics yet, it's a 2000 Chevy Malibu. I got an amazing deal on it and the inside looks brand new! The insurance company involved with my wreck called today and they are for sure going to total my car, and I am actually getting $100 more dollars than what I paid for my new car!
God has blessed me so much in the last few months. This verse completely sums it up...
But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. 1 Thes. 3:3
Right off it says the Lord is faithful, enough said. He is so faithful and when we are faithful to him his works are evident in our lives.
Stablish literally means to establish, God has totally done that for me. I was was working a part-time job where I wasn't eligibly for insurance or any benefits. I get a call telling me that I was being dropped from my dad's insurance plan and within 2 weeks I got a full-time job with benefits, that as stated above I am loving! I would definitely consider that becoming established, I am basically starting my adult life and so far it's of to a great start!
Secondly the verse says he will keep us from evil. All evil comes from satan, and there is nothing more that he likes than to see the children of God suffer. I could have been really hurt in the car wreck, but I know God's hand was with me and he was protecting me that morning.


clay said...

sooo..shouldn't it be a "Friday Girl" instead of a "Girl Friday" prob wrong it wouldn't be the first

Jenn said...

Congratulations! I hope all of your adult life leaves you feeling just as blessed and established!